You want your little one to get off to a healthy start when it comes to his or her smile, which is why Dr. Perez’s Grapevine dental office sees children as well as adults.
You might be wondering, though, when is the right time to start bringing your child in? The ADA recommends that children start seeing the dentist when they have their first tooth, but to help minimize anxiety, it can be a good idea to bring your son or daughter along to one of your own visits. That way they can become accustomed to what our Grapevine dental office is like before it’s their turn in the dental chair.
As part of those first few visits, Dr. Perez will reinforce how important brushing and flossing are to a healthy smile and even show them how to do both with careful, step-by-step teaching. Learning how to correctly brush and floss at a young age can pave the way for healthy habits that will last well into adulthood.
Dr. Perez’s Grapevine office also keeps dental sealants and fluoride supplements on hand to give your child’s smile added protection. Dental sealants work by shielding teeth—especially back teeth—from decay while fluoride supplements actively attract minerals that are important for building strong teeth and ultimately achieving optimal oral health.
Contact Us
2030 Glade Road Suite 204
Phone: 817-442-0440